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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

History of the internet

History of the Internet
The Internet is named after Internet Protocol,
IP addresses are unique numerical address used to route packets to it across the Internet.
Name a few top-level-Domain names :
1. .bitnet Used for computers on the BITNET network.
2. .com Originally stood for "commercial" to indicate a site used for commercial purposes, but it has since become the most well-known top-level Internet domain, and is now used for any kind of site.
3. .int Used by "International" sites, usually NATO sites.
4. .edu Used for educational institutions like universities.
5. .gov Used for US Government sites.

History of the World Wide Web
What are the names of the people who helped build the web? Vannevar Bush, J.C.R. Licklider, Marshall McLuhan, Ted Nelson
What were the First Web Browsers named? Netscape, Mosaic,
What does URL mean? Uniform Resource Locator

Who developed SNDMSG and READMAIL to deliver email messages? Ray Tomlinson
What is SMTP? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

The Usenet is the first Internet peer to peer technology.

We commonly refer to this layer of the Internet as Internet Relay Chat

List some software that might run in this layer of the Internet:
Lists allow you to send many messages to many people across the Internet who are interested in the same subject

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