Just Shtuff 'Bout Me! =Z

My photo
. .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... ..........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Random Boring Shtuff,,,,

"H1N1 Shots Tomorrow!!!"
and Flu,,,,,,,
Hi Daniel,,,,,,,
i love you daniel,,,,,,,
Daniel's Bored,,,,,,,
Courtneys Getting and Nutri-Gran Bar,,,,,,,
=P ,,,,,,,
mmmmmmmmmmm water,,,,,,,
hello(court said that) ,,,,,,,

wednesday today already eh?? =P


im hungry,,,,,,,
Gonna Die of starvation,,,,,,,

this is just blabbering gibberish!! =L

lol sorry!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

History of the internet

History of the Internet
The Internet is named after Internet Protocol,
IP addresses are unique numerical address used to route packets to it across the Internet.
Name a few top-level-Domain names :
1. .bitnet Used for computers on the BITNET network.
2. .com Originally stood for "commercial" to indicate a site used for commercial purposes, but it has since become the most well-known top-level Internet domain, and is now used for any kind of site.
3. .int Used by "International" sites, usually NATO sites.
4. .edu Used for educational institutions like universities.
5. .gov Used for US Government sites.

History of the World Wide Web
What are the names of the people who helped build the web? Vannevar Bush, J.C.R. Licklider, Marshall McLuhan, Ted Nelson
What were the First Web Browsers named? Netscape, Mosaic,
What does URL mean? Uniform Resource Locator

Who developed SNDMSG and READMAIL to deliver email messages? Ray Tomlinson
What is SMTP? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

The Usenet is the first Internet peer to peer technology.

We commonly refer to this layer of the Internet as Internet Relay Chat

List some software that might run in this layer of the Internet:
Lists allow you to send many messages to many people across the Internet who are interested in the same subject


im pissing off daniel,,,, =P
Now Court is,,,,
,,,, i gave Court My Nutri-Gran Bar,,,,
"we gotta suck his left toe and go to hell!!!!" =L ,,,,
hahahahahahaha Court's a WEIRD-OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!,,,,
hah-ah,,,, im boredd,,,,
there's something wrong with Daniel,,,,
Lady GaGa's Messed in the Head!!!,,,, =L
hahahahaha her stupid yyyyip shtick!!!
hahahahahahahaha whoooo damn!!! im hyper,,,,
"SHUT UP U BIG SACK OF DOG VOMIT!!!" =L Family Guy Rocks!! ,,,,

Monday, November 2, 2009


my weekend was BORING!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009



Position Height Weight Birthdate Points

Kobe Bryant
Shooting Guard 6’6 205 lb August 23 1978 25.0
Steve Nash Point Guard 6’3 178 lb February 7 1974 17.3
Kevin Garnett
Power Forward 6’11 253 lb May 19 1976 21.6
Tim Duncan
Power Forward/Center 6’11 260 lb August 25 1976 23.3
Paul Peirce
Small Forward/Shooting Guard 6’7 235 lb October 13 1977 22.2


Species Of Animal Size
(lenth in cm)
Average Weight
(kg) Status
(E or T?)*


Logger head 92 cm 115kg E hard shelled animals
Indian Rhinoceros 57.2 cm 2200- 3000 kg E leaves, branches of shrubs and trees
Short-Faced Bear 50 – 100 cm 1136kg T meat
Dire Wolf 8 cm 57 kg T They scavenged for food or hunted large, slower-moving prey
Camelops 40–50 cm 44kg T grass
Red kangaroo 120 cm 26.5kg E grasses and other vegetation

Halloween 2009!!!!!






For Freeeee!!!

whooo!! =) =L lol

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Piggy Flu!!!!!!!!!!


YaY Shots!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Early Christmas List(?)

New Cell Phone(?)
Camera (?)
Laptop (?)
No Drama (?)
New Ipod (?)

Monday, October 26, 2009

my weekend,,

my weekend was,,,

Friday, October 23, 2009

internet Scavenger Hunt


Each Question will have 2-3 key words that you can type into Google or any other search engine. Please BOLD FACE the keywords you used in each question.

1. What is the capital of Ethiopa, Africa? _ Addis Ababa

2. What is the smallest land mammal? bumblebee bat
3. What is the scientific name for Polar Bear? Ursus maritimus

4. What does TLA stand for (Pick three answers)
1. three letter acronym
2. True Love always
3. Texas Library Association
5. Where was 50 Cent born? Queens, New York

6. Who is the Governor General of Canada? Michaƫlle Jean

7. Who created Spiderman? Stan Lee

8. What company produced the first motorcycle? The construction of the first motorcycle is credited to Gottlieb Daimler
9. Where was Steve Nash born? Johannesburg South Africa.
10. Who invented Basketball? Canadian born Dr. James Naismith is given credit for creating basketball in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts

You are doing well. More questions:

1.What URL comes up first when you search for Onion Rings?

2. What is the average weight of a polar Bear find 2 answers
1. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 900-1500 lbs
2. 330-660 lbs.
3. Who is the Prime minister of Russia? Vladimir Putin
Who is the President of Russia? Dmitri Anatolyevich Medvedev

4.What does your name mean? Blend of MARIA and MAGDALENE. It refers, therefore, to Mary Magdalene, a character in the New Testament. The name was popularized by the German actress and singer Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992), whose real name was Maria Magdalene von Losch.

5. Name 2 cast members from the movie “Lord of the Rings”
Orlando Bloom
Christopher Lee
At what URL did you find this information?

6. Who played Obi Wan Kenobi in original Star Wars movie?
In Episodes I-III, he is played by Ewan McGregor. In Episodes IV-VI, he is played by Alec Guinness.

URL for this info= http://www.ask.com/bar?q=Who+played+Obi+Wan+Kenobi+in+original+Star+Wars+movie&page=1&qsrc=0&ab=2&title=WikiAnswers+-+Who+plays+Obi-Wan+Kenobi&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.answers.com%2FQ%2FWho_plays_Obi-Wan_Kenobi&sg=IgrYBOOgxQRKH9rZpvSHTQ5szzjVH1ocSjqieh%2B4%2F9M%3D&tsp=1256062478377

7. Find a “currency exchange” on the internet. If you have 5000 Japanese yen, how many Canadian dollars is that worth?

5000 Japanese yen = 56.7501142 Canadian dollars

5000 Indian rupees = 111.868946 Canadian dollars

5000 Swiss francs = 5 084.98108 Canadian dollars

What is the URL of the Site: http://www.google.ca/search?q=5000+Swiss+francs++in+canadian+dollars&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a?
8. Pick two Famous people…Anyone you want and find out :
Taylor Lautner,
Their Birthday, Taylor Lautner: February 11, 1992
Place of Birth, Taylor Lautner: Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.
When did they Become Famous
Taylor Lautner: 2001




Leaving in 21 days!


still bored,,,

and hungry,,,

my arm hurts...


Thursday, October 22, 2009


im bored,, =Z

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
